Financial and government partners plus memberships
TGWT benefits from the support of several partners who endorse the company's various research and development and growth projects.
They are very important to our success and we are very grateful to them.
shareholders and financial partners

Korn GmbH holds 37% of the share capital of TGWT. Korn owns, on a 50/50 basis with TGWT, the intellectual property on purified tannins.
Governmental and municipal partners
Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC)
Significant Strategic Partnership Grant to McMaster University (TGWT is an industrial partner) for the project: To develop a novel litmus paper sensor, printed with bio-ink, to enable rapid and accurate detection of Legionella pneumophila, a deadly environmental pathogen found in many natural and man-made water sources.
Here are some articles and recognitions related to this project (click to access the article):
NSERC and L'Oréal-UNESCO 2018 For Women in Science Supplement won by Dr. Erin McConnell
Selection and Characterization of an RNA‐Cleaving DNAzyme Activated by Legionella pneumophila
National Research Council Canada (NRC)
TGWT has benefited in the past and continues to be supported by the NRC to help fund various research and development projects. A major project is underway with the Industrial Research Assistance Program (IRAP).
Export Development Canada (EDC)
TGWT uses the services of EDC for export insurance. We also benefit from EDC's services to put us in touch with major clients.
SR&ED Credit Program
TGWT benefits from subsidies for its research and development activities through the SR&ED program of the Government of Canada and the Government of Quebec.
Investissement Québec
Investissement Québec International
TGWT receives support from Investissement Québec for its export projects across Canada, the United States and Mexico.
Emploi Québec
TGWT uses the programs of Emploi Québec to fund certain human resources training to enable its team to become better managers and employees.
Economic development of the agglomeration of Longueuil (DEL)
TGWT received a grant from DEL to support its online business projects and uses DEL services for its growth projects.
TGWT Is a member of the following organizations
Association of Water Technologies (AWT)
The AWT is an international organization representing over 500 companies that specialize in applying water treatments for industrial and commercial cooling and heating systems. They equip water treaters with the tools and skills they need to deliver the highest quality service to clients—helping them to extend equipment life, maximize energy efficiency, and reduce downtime.
Cooling Technology Institute (CTI)
As a broad-based industry association, their mission is to advocate and promote, for the benefit of the public, the use of all environmentally responsible commercial cooling technologies such as wet cooling towers, air-cooled condensers, dry coolers, indirect cooling, and hybrid systems by encouraging: Education on these technologies, Development of codes, standards, and guidelines, Development, use, and oversight of independent performance verification and certification programs, Research to improve these technologies, Advocacy and dialog on the benefits of cooling technologies with government agencies and other organizations with shared interests, Technical information exchange.
The first organization of its kind in Canada, Écotech Québec represents the clean technology cluster. It supports local players, companies, researchers, investors and clusters-in order to accelerate the development of clean technologies development, financing and commercialization of clean technologies.
Écotech Québec is a founding partner of the CanadaCleantech Alliance, a member of the International Cleantech Network and founding member of the Global Alliance for Efficient Solutions of the Solar Impulse Foundation.
Association for development and innovation in chemistry in Quebec (ADICQ)
Founded in 1992 by a group of Quebec entrepreneurs, the ADICQ was created with the objective of protecting the interests of businesses and helping the development of Quebec's chemical sector.
2000 members, 15B$ turnover, 110,000 employees, 4 countries. EntreChefs PME is the first French-speaking network dedicated to sharing experiences for entrepreneurs and the essential reference in supporting these leaders over the long term. SME business owners can freely share their challenges and aspirations and learn from each other's experiences. Exists since 1974.