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Fire Tube Boiler Treated By TGWT

Steam Boiler Water Treatment 


Scale and corrosion inhibitor, oxygen scavenger, dispersant and condensate treatment, plant-based, for steam boilers water treatment


  • Protect equipment and maximize heat exchange

  • Up to 5% reduction in GHG emissions and energy consumption

  • Up to 20% reduction in water consumption and up to 80% reduction in wastewater discharge

Watch this video to discover all the advantages of this green chemistry for steam boilers based on purified tannins.

Conventional vs TGWT

Protection achieved by traditional chemistry and TGWT's tannin chemistry

Oxygen Scavenger

Corrosion Inhibitor

Hardness Stabilization


Condensate Treatment

Unique benefits from TGWT's tannin chemistry without capital investment

Energy Gain

Make-up Water Gain

GHG Gain


Testing Time Gain


Testimonials from our customers who have steam boilers

Our customers have reported energy savings ranging from $5,000 to more than $200,000 without capital investment

Textile: Beaulieu Canada

Textile: Beaulieu Canada

After 11 years, we are still very satisfied and pleased with our decision. You will not regret it.

Hospitals: Quebec city region

Hospitals: Quebec city region

We have significantly reduced blowdowns from 5% to 1%, thus representing a 10% makeup water reduction, energy savings, fuel savings (1.44%), and greenhouse gas reductions.

Building Products: BP Canada

Building Products: BP Canada

We have successfully been using their product for 10 years. Join us in trying the Tannin product, and you’ll surely adopt.

Hospitals: CHUS

Hospitals: CHUS

Product is environmentally friendly and improve energy efficiency with reduced effluent.

Pulp & Paper: Cascades Converdis

Pulp & Paper: Cascades Converdis

With the increase in conductivity, came better heat transfer which brought a reduction in operating costs.

Dry Kiln: Goodfellow

Dry Kiln: Goodfellow

Results were surprising in both energy savings and boiler inspection that showed a clean surface.

Building Products: BP Joliette

Building Products: BP Joliette

TG 3106 product has been proven in both extending boiler lifetime, and in energy savings thanks to its high conductivity tolerance without creating carryover.

Concrete: Beton Lecuyer

Concrete: Beton Lecuyer

The boiler has cleaned itself with the use of Tannins. Furthermore, considerable savings were made with the use of this one product.

Say Yes to TGWT and Gain 

Icon Energy Savings TGWT

Gain on Energy

1 to 5%

Icon Water Savings TGWT

Gain on Water

10 to 20%

Icon GHG Reduction TGWT

Gain on GHG

1 to 5%

Icon Blowdown Savings TGWT

Gain on blowdown 50 to 80%

Testing Time Savings TGWT

Gain on Testing Time up to 30%

Online Reports & Company
Energy Analysis & Equipement
Case Studies & Press
Tannin Molecule & Sizes

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© 2024 by TGWT    1-844-390-8498  

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